Your skin is the largest organ in your body and while you feed it the best food and opt for raw options remember what you put on your skin goes within.

Just as with raw foods, the live enzymes remain intact in raw beauty products. So there’s no free radicals, which damage collagen and result in wrinkles. If you have a bunch of raw ingredients, a mortar and pestle and perhaps a high-speed blender, it’s pretty easy to concoct your own raw skincare products.

Shea butter, Apricot kernel oil, Aloe Vera and Coconut oils are often used in live skincare for their wonderful rehydrating qualities.

I’m a huge fan of Raw Extra Virgin Coconut Oil particularly – it has so many benefits, both for nutrition and for skincare.

It’s extremely high in Lauric Acid, one of the main ingredients in breast milk! It’s also anti-bacterial and high in calcium, potassium and iron, and helps with the absorption of minerals. It can protect us against bacteria and infections. Extra Virgin Coconut oil heals, moisturizes and protects all skin types. It solidifies in cold temperatures but at room temperature it is a liquid. Quality is paramount – make it raw organic extra virgin coconut oil.

Get ready to party! – Coconut Silky bath water

Put a spoonful of Coconut oil straight into your bathwater making it soft and silky. You can then use less after bathing (or just dry off and rush straight out to party!). It’s also wonderfully nourishing for hands and feet. Last thing at night smother your hands and feet in it, put on cotton gloves/ socks, and in the morning you’ll feel the difference!