AEOS (Active Energised Organic Skincare) create unique formulations, harnessing the power of plants while amplifying their living energy, along with cutting-edge technologies to create superior award-winning skincare.  


Our 2024 Platinum Awards are open and we are thrilled to have AEOS once again as sponsors!

With the goal of creating the most skin-enhancing products possible, AEOS ensure their pioneering water purifying methods allow moisture to penetrate more easily through the semi-permeable membrane of skin. 

AEOS are one of the most transformative skincare brands available and their products have the power to emulate your skin’s natural function while restoring its equilibrium, the actives harnessed in the three- step-ritual of ‘RENEW, REBALANCE and REPENISH’ work together, transforming the way your skin looks and feels – a complete skincare solution.

This really is an ‘Alchemy of Beauty’ using ingredients that deliver therapeutic effects for body, mind and soul alike. 


No other brand has the spaguric crystal tinctures, the water technology or the bio dynamically grown ingredients as a core component that AEOS use. The purest herbs and plants known to man are carefully cultivated on their 500 acre Shire Farm in Lincolnshire, and the “healing” properties for the skin are incredible. By balancing the different aspects of the soil without using man-made chemicals, they increase the strength and vitality of their plants and herbs. This attention means that when a plant is harvested, its energy force has been nourished through well-tended soil, rewarding with a more potent essence.

Radiant skin – as if lit from within – soft, smooth and nourished to the touch. Your skin – the best it can be. Your wellbeing – enriched. No arsenal of products. No chemicals or synthetics. Just nature at its most powerful, reminding your skin what it once knew.

This combination at a very basic level, reforms skin as well as bringing wellbeing and peace to the user, through the inclusion of the crystal energises. The crystals work on an energy level, but also in ancient times, certain crystals we used for specific purposes at a physical level and AEOS covers all of this in their skincare. 

They have amazing feedback from customers, the most common is, “My skin has never looked and felt so hydrated.” 

From planting as many trees as possible and reducing packaging, to leading the way with off-the-grid solar power, sustainability is paramount to the AEOS way of life making them such a great natural, transformative brand.

Their philosophy is clear… 

“to achieve your most beautiful complexion, yet we must first care for the soil, feed the skin and nourish the soul – and we do this in the purest, kindest way possible to benefit as many people as possible.”