Let me ask you a question – would you go to any dentist in any town for your routine check-up? Are you happy to go to any hairdresser who has an appointment? The answer will be no! – we do business with those we like, know, and trust!

As customers we want to know if we can ‘like, know, and trust’ the companies we buy from, so in this series we ask the person behind some of my favourite natural and organic companies to step out into the spotlight.

It’s the turn of Yvette Taylor from The Energy Alignment Method

Tell us about yourself and your company…

I’m Yvette Taylor the creator of the Award Winning Self Help & Personal Transformational Technique – The Energy Alignment Method™. EAM is a brand new process designed to enable you to let go of resistant energy, limiting thoughts and emotions. So you can get in flow, feel happier, take the right action and change your life.

I have spent 15 years using and teaching eastern principles, spiritual practices and self-development. Whilst EAM has been an evolving process over the last four years, I have only been sharing EAM publicly for 18 months. In the 9 years working as a business and marketing coach I have worked with over 11000+ spiritual leaders and entrepreneurs.

I am a huge advocate for change and shifting the world to a new paradigm and am doing this through working with global charities such as B1G1 (Businesses doing Business for Good) and as an Ambassador for The Buddy Bag Foundation in the UK. Having been on my own personal journey of transformation from a life of drugs, drink and partying, I don’t take myself too seriously, and have lots of fun, laughter and honesty in everything I do.

How did you get started?

I would say my journey began some 17 years ago now as I began to explore and learn about complimentary health, wellbeing and energy for my own personal journey. I soon began teaching and sharing this methods with others because I loved what they can do.

That journey has taken me on a few detours along a wisty windy path of discovery for me and for my clients. Working with clients I saw the same thing time and time again. No matter what people believed was standing in the way it always came down to their energy, what they thought and what they felt. The law of attraction is simple, it reflects back things you are sending out with your energy. So whilst you think you can’t do something, that is what you’ll see. It is ALL related to your energy until you shift your energy you life can’t change.

I often got frustrated with lots of law of attraction and personal development processes because they only talked about the “feeling good” or “get in flow and feel positive”. Whilst this is absoultely vital you have to release the resistant energy about that subject first. If you just try to paint over it with sunshine and rainbows the resistance is still there. So what do you do when you feel like rubbish ?!

What were you doing in a previous life?

I don’t really know if I had a previous life! It all seems to have moulded into one and I can see now how everything plays a part in what I am doing. I guess the previous version of this was working as an online marketing strategist and business mentor for soulful entrepreneurs. The thing is it always came back down to the same thing, energy thoughts and emotions! I have MUCH more fun sharing how to change your life from there! 😀

Why natural / organic / sustainable?

For me I believe we have everything we need to fulfil our lives and sustain ourselves. We have all the power within us to change what we see, feel and experience. We are designed to be free flowing, we are designed to live our lives as naturally as possible. Our modern day environment doesn’t support us to be in flow, the closer we can take ourselves to our natural state the more in flow we are.

What’s your USP? What sets you apart from your competitors?

– Unlike many other Law of Attraction or mindset techniques this is designed to shift your energy. As everything is energy, it works to change anything in your life (unbelievably quick like within minutes!).
– The technique is a combination of energy transformation, mindset and personal development designed to get you in flow on any subject.
– Instead of “just being happy”, we release the resistant energy, thoughts and emotions BEFORE we focus on what we’re manifesting.
– We have discovered a specific order to the things you need to change first, to create lasting transformation in your life. This journey works in flow with the way your energy is made. If we try to change or focus on subjects out of sequence we can’t create TRUE transformation. For example, so many people are trying to focus on manifesting money but they haven’t worked one of the 7 other steps that must be in flow first.
EAM has been dubbed the fastest tool for getting in flow, like working with Law of Attraction of super fast broadband.

What kind of feedback you have received from clients?

A number of video testimonials from my clients can be viewed here>>

What’s the next big launch / project coming up for you?

The Energy Emergence event will be held on 14th January 2017, 9:30am – 7:00pm at Victoria Park Plaza Hotel in London. This is an opportunity to learn the Energy Alignment Method, get some practical advice and guidance on working with energy, and do the work together to create shifts in your heart, mind and energy.

Tickets booked before 1st January are £33 (+VAT).

Also just in the middle of a 15 day online training programme which we have used to create a research study into the effectiveness of EAM. 1500 people registered to take part so far, results will be ready for the new year.

What’s your big dream?

For everyone to realize thatthey have the power to change their life and be happier, because everything we experience is just energy and we can change that.

To be training our next big group of practitioners throughout 2017 to use this method to work with others.

The next step in my big dream is to get EAM out to at least 300,000 people and as they love their changes, to share the technique with others.

Long term I want to take EAM into every niche and industry, the next big focus is parenting, children, healthcare and education.

I believe we have everything within us already to change our lives. The only thing which is ever standing in our way is our energy, thoughts and emotions. Everything else is just a side effect of these. When you can change your energy, you change your actions, when you change your actions you change your life. Law of attraction isn’t just about meditation or journaling, it’s about releasing what is in your way and getting yourself in flow. Only THEN does the positive mindset stuff work.

My wish is that we teach everyone that the power for change is inside. They already have the answers.

