On the whole, our immune system does a great job defending us from disease-causing microorganisms. But sometimes it fails: A germ invades successfully and makes you sick. There are things we can do to help prevent this. Researchers, including some at Harvard Medical School, are finding evidence of a relationship between “good” bacteria and the immune system. It is now known that certain bacteria in the gut influence the development of aspects of the immune system. Live culture can boost your good bacteria.

Lets start by looking at some liquid options for boosting immunity


SymproveWe are a nation depleted in good gut bacteria.   It can help with digestive
problems,obesity and of course it helps to boost immunity.  Symprove live and activated bacteria has a
Unique Delivery System (UDS) to ensure bacteria quickly reach targeted areas of the gut.  The four unique strains of bacteria in Symprove work together to ensure they THRIVE in the intestines and targeted areas of your gut quickly and effectively.   It is a non-dairy, gluten free, water-based drink which is gentle on the gut It comes in two flavours:  Original and Mango and Passion Fruit. Check out the 12 week programme at: www.symprove.com

BetterYou DLux 3000

In addition to being depleted in good gut bacteria the majority of people in the northern hemisphere are lacking in Vitamin D.  Its considered a worldwide epidemic of deficiency!   better you Dlux hi res The reason being the UVB rays from the sun are only strong enough for us to naturally synthesise this vitamin for six months of the year. Using sun cream to protect our skin, spending large amounts of time indoors and wash out summers make it even harder to achieve optimal levels.  In this case supplementation is recommended to maintain adequate levels within your body. Vittamin D is associated with strong bones, healthy teeth and a robust immune system.  Betteryou’s Vitamin DLux 3000 will give you your daily dose of sunshine in spray form. Each bottle contains 100 sprays and will last three months when using one spray daily under the tongue or on the inside of the cheek.  www.betteryou.com

Live Wheatgrass

1007-wheatgrassOne of the most powerful superfoods is  Live Wheatgrass Juice.
Wheatgrass Juice has been highly regarded for its nutritional properties for many years amongst health professionals. It is exceptionally rich in nutrients and chlorophyll, and is particularly rich in Vitamins A, B5, B12 and E. LiveWheatgrass is fresh, raw and unprocessed juice – packed full of all vitamins, minerals, amino acids and beneficial enzymes to nourish the body and encourage a healthy immune system. I consider this my daily health insurance, totally convenient you can just pop a frozen shot into your smoothie!  www.livewheatgrass.com

Chuckling Goat ‘Kefir’

Another way to increase your good bacteria and help ward off disease is to drink Kefir. Kefir, which means ‘feel good” in Turkish, is an ancient cultured, enzyme-rich food filled with friendly micro-organisms that help balance your “inner ecosystem” to help chuyckling goat kefirmaintain optimal health. Kefir is similar to a drinking-style yogurt, however yogurt has “transient” bacteria which are killed off by the digestive system and kefir has “non-transient” bacteria which survive the digestive process, and create a lasting effect inside the gut. When used regularly, the naturally occurring bacteria and yeast in Kefir help balance your intestinal flora and support your immune system.  Many people cannot tolerate cow’s milk, so this is a perfect alternative. Goat’s milk has a different protein profile, which makes it more compatible with human physiology and easier to digest. Try Chuckling Goat’s Live Kefir.   www.chucklinggoat.co.uk

Onto the snacks..keep those healthy too…


zoot 44And on those cold rainy days when you want to reach for the chocolate why not try a delicious healthy snack instead. ZooT FrooT is specifically designed to help give you 1 of your 5 a day.
A great tasting low calorie snack bar that is packed with 70% fruit. Dairy and Gluten Free and No Added Sugar!  www.zootfoods.com



Another great snack for when you are ‘on the go’ is CherryActive dried cherries are packed full of antioxidants and are ideal for  snacking. Being high in carbohydrate energy these cherries are great with breakfast cereals and to eat The cherries are infused with apple juice but have no preservatives, flavourings, colourings or added sugar.  www.cherryactive.co.uk